Consider where you are listening to this podcast. Are you driving, walking, or working out? Are you aggravated, calm, or sleepy? Stop your mind for a minute and take a deep breath. Breath in all that wonderful, life-giving air. Hold it in for a five-count and then slowly let it seep out of your body allowing your shoulders to drop as you do. Now that you are in a more relaxed state it’s time to listen to this profound interview with Wellness Force Radio’s Josh Trent. Josh shares the effective wellness techniques he has acquired over his lifetime, including breathwork, recognizing life-sucking demons for what they really are, and how to appreciate failure. Being grateful for the tough lessons we face isn’t always easy but as you will hear from Josh’s testimony, embracing gratitude will help you engage physically, emotionally, and spiritually with the world.
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Key Takeaways:
[04:39] Josh and Drew discuss porn addiction and overcoming lizard brain.
[12:04] Josh describes the catalyzing moments that transformed his life.
[19:17] What motivates Josh to show up and be fully present and why he is grateful for this life.
[22:59] The demons, dragons, and finding worthiness in failing.
[33:25] Starting a podcast, breathwork, and looking toward the future.
[51:52] CBD, Civilized Caveman, and conscious partnerships.
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