Wow, 50 episodes down and Drew and Lynn are just getting started. The Fit2Fat2Fit podcast has over 500,000 downloads by dedicated fitness and healthy living subscribers. Drew and Lynn are decided to using this milestone as a special opportunity to answer the questions you send to them via social media. Chalked full of information, the questions range from advice on how to tackle a baby belly to tips for getting the physique you want.
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to download, listen and provide feedback. Here’s to 50 more episodes!
Key Takeaways:
[1:04] Want to consume more of Drew and Lynn? You have options!
[7:25] I had a baby and now have 30 extra pounds, how should I start exercising again?
[11:34] I can’t seem to lose the weight that I added when I was put on steroids for my asthma.
[14:52] Staying in the healthy mindset in order to get off the roller coaster is possible by adding healthy habits to your life.
[18:14] Drew and Lynn what did you learn about yourself in Hawaii?
[21:01] Lynn and Drew appreciate each other’s parenting.
[23:11] What would Drew and Lynn tell their younger selves?
[25:28] What advice do you have for adults who came from households without love?
[28:16] Drew, how long does it take you to build muscles in your arms and legs and how often are you in the gym?
[30:46] What should a person do if they aspire to have a physique like Drew's?
[32:23] If you are going through menopause you may want to visit a specialist for natural supplements which can balance your hormones.
[35:36] How should I develop a relationship with a new fitness client?
[38:28] How should I choose the best macros for different types of goals?
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Mentioned in This Episode:
@fit2fat2fit - Drew on Social Media